Friday, September 21, 2012


It is soooo Friday.

That is all.

(Because, even if it's just one line, I WILL get back into writing. Also because, NO, you don't have to have "scores of plots rattling in my head" to be a writer. Good thing.)

1 comment:

  1. This made me smile when I read it last week. Better is a little, right? I've noticed you've been quiet... I'm assuming life is just a little busy right now? Hope to hear your words again soon, but I know there are seasons for everything.
    And by the way, I think you may have left me the sweetest, most encouraging comment ever. Seriously. I want to carry around in my pocket to pull out on days when a need a little lift. You are a blessing. May it be returned to you tenfold...


stuff you want to say (show some comment love!)