Monday, February 13, 2012

scavenger hunt sunday! (err...monday)

A mom's life waits for no pictures.

This woman visited my blog, so I went to visit her blog. She follows this woman, so I went to visit her, too. She had lovely pictures on her blog, that were connected to this woman who heads up a Scavenger Hunt Sunday.

A scavenger hunt in pictures?? Oooh. Just the right thing to continue distracting me from what I should be doing (things like wrapping and mailing books that I sold on Amazon, and should've been mailed long, long ago. Oops.)

I couldn't find my camera, though. So I borrowed. I tried to take a picture...and then my 2yo peed in the hallway.

He is no longer the subject of the first scavenger hunt item. (He wouldn't hold still anyway.)

Take two.

1. Facial Feature

Beautiful boy. When he's asleep, he holds still perfectly. And I love that you can see the sheen of his fur by his ear.

2. Shadow

I love the shadows that the sun makes on curtains. I had to wait a while for the sun to come back out, and I'm still not sure it captured it the way I wanted it to, but you get the idea.

3. Spicy

A-1 Sauce. Conveniently located next to the Hot Sauce. Spicy, indeed.

4. Gold

Apparently it's hard to capture a flash in a sequin (hence the fuzziness of the rest of the picture).

5. Fabric

Denim fabric is just so cool. This one is in the process of being packed up, due to children getting older and growing bigger and all those things they do without permission.

Fun! I linked up with Ashley!


  1. Love your pictures...I have to say I do the same thing when it comes to blogs, visit this person and then click on this link and then on another. I always end up with a million windows open and forget where I started!

  2. So glad you linked up - I really like your facial feature shot. I hope you'll join us again!

  3. I've done that so many times, click on one link, only to click on many more! It's fun to see where it takes you! Great shots!

  4. Isn't funny how you can just click, click, click and waste a lotta time? Great shots!

  5. Great shots this week. I easily get "lost" on blogs too!


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