Friday, February 24, 2012

29 days, week 3(ish)

Okay. So I could've posted on Monday night and let that be the post for the week. Because once again, that's all I got done. What IS this?!?

I'm getting discouraged.

Last weekend, my 5yo got the stomach bug. We stayed home from church, and he was better Monday, and acting almost-fine since then, but only as of maybe yesterday he's gotten the color back in his face. Tuesday night, both girls (14 and 8) threw up a good portion of the night. They were both down all of Wednesday while I kept them from trying to do too much, too soon, and occupying the boys. Thursday morning, I woke up nauseous...and not in a morning-sickness kind of way. Hubby Of The Year called into work (and worked from home) so he could run herd on the kids and let me sleep just about all day in bed.

What a gift. I almost cried when he told me he was staying home.

So yep. ONE day done on the room. It's a nice improvement...but not nearly what I'd hoped to get done.

Suicide watch one week, stomach flu the next. I'm not asking what will happen next week. But I'm trying not to lose heart!!! If the weekend goes CALMLY as planned, I will have three (count 'em, three) days to clean an entire bookshelf and the abyss in front of the closet. And inside the closet. And tidy up from the remnants that have crept back in around the room during the last two weeks of BLAHHH.

So here's what I DID get done. Enjoy.

Monday's project was the top of the dresser and the white chair to the right. Random things like pencils, a computer with no cover, dvd's, hubby's bucket o' Star Wars figures, VHS tapes, spindles of cd's, scrapbooking stuff, a bin of papers (of course), pictures for the wall, ironing board, Hubby's hiking boots, several small cans of paint (hiding behind the ironing board), and a frog.

The frog stayed. :)

Next week is another week, right? And if nothing else, it's a huge improvement over what it was before! And that's the whole point, right?


  1. Family first. The clutter will wait for you while you take care of the important stuff. And you've had great progress considering the time you've have. Stay strong, hope things improve quickly for you.

  2. Looks great. Slow and steady, you will get there. We need to take care of ourselves and our family. Every little bit helps, I can see the changes.

  3. You are doing great! That bug has really been going around. It seems everyone I know has gotten it. Hope you all are well soon!


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