Thursday, September 8, 2011

Let's get this party started.

So I had this new idea for a new blog, and here it's taking me forever to actually get it going.

We're having a yard sale on Saturday that I have made great headway on, but I'm not done. I have two days left, and at least one major area yet to sort.

I have yet to go grocery shopping this week. I was supposed to go Tuesday. Dinner's are getting interesting.

I've done two days of homeschooling, and my daughter is feeling bored and unchallenged. I'm using hand-me-down curriculum (nothing wrong with that), but I don't think it fits her.

I've lost track of my children's bins for the hallway, so I have nowhere to throw their stuff which seems to be multiplying in my living room.

And I have a Classical Conversations family meeting this morning which will chop up the day even more.

My 2yo got up at 6am this morning, instead of his usual 7ish.

My 5yo tried to feed the dog this morning and announced that there was no more dog food. Another stop to make in the day.

I had a dream last night that my hubby was being inhabited by something. The something was very nice and kind, and my hubby was still present, but it just wasn't the same, and I was tired of sharing him.

Busy much? Anyone relate??

"My grace is sufficient for you,
for my power is made perfect in weakness."
2 Corinthians 12:9

But I am not dispairing.

I have made great progress in my yard sale project. I've even bought poster boards.

I'm looking forward to looking through some new curriculum online, and I have some really good suggestions and preferences from my dear homeschooling friends. And I'm hoping really desperately praying that maybe the CC meeting this morning will give us a little more direction. And since I have no Bible curriculum whatsoever, I'm building lessons as I go around our memory verse (Psalm 119:11), and my kids are getting it. It's going well. And they have wonderful ideas and thoughts and commentary as I talk to them about it. (And they remember it for at least part of the day. "Elijah, is kicking the dog a white heart or a black x?" "A black x." "Could you figure out how to turn it into a white heart?" "Sorry, Bailey.")

My 2yo was perfectly happy to sit on the couch and watch PBS while I got hubby and eldest child out the door, instead of hanging on my nightgown, whining.

There is money in the account for dog food, and (if I can find it) I have a discount card left over from my mother-in-law when she worked at Petco.

And hubby immediately understood my dream, and said, "It's been busy." I think we might get to slow down at the end of September.

"Enough is as good as a feast."
Mary Poppins

So this here's my blog on my attempts to create a whole lot of LESS. Even in the midst of the crazy busy schedule of things that must be done, it seems a good time!!

Aside from the schedule right now, there is simply TOO MUCH. Too much stuff, too much busy-ness, too many distractions, too much worry. Not enough laughing, playing, worship, learning, prayer.

"Better is a little with the fear of the Lord,
than great treasure and turmoil with it."
Proverbs 15:17

I'm cleaning house, baby, in more ways than one. Will you join me? "Reality meets grace," and there's more than enough grace to go around.


  1. This is great, Carrie! I've been missing you! So, yeah! I'll join you! ;)

  2. WAHOO!!! Yup - time to clean out... I just have to figure out how I'm going to do it. Maybe your blog will help. ;)


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